
Peace Be With You

"Lord, give me a vision of God."

This I pray.

Because I've come to know

my vision is very narrow-sighted.

my understanding is extremely limited.

And the limitation hinders my seeing

the full picture revealed in Your Word.

I might not be able to get it all right

But I believe in the POWER of the Holy Spirit

who teaches me about all things

and willingly guides me into all truth.

I need not to depend on my ability.

I depend on the POWER of the Holy Spirit

which is a promise given to me in Christ Jesus.

This is why I seek.

I believe it is possible to have a vision of God.

That is why I seek.

I am not smart.

I don't have a scholastic mind.

I am a weak, baby Christian

who does not have a solid knowledge

of the Bible.

So please enlighten

the eyes of my heart, O LORD.

I will keep seeking

til my last breath.

For I am so saturated by Jesus Christ

who gives me this desire.

I will defend the truth

for the sake of the truth.

I will stand for God

for He first stood for me.

I pray this prayer

that I will speak Your Truth boldly

til I die.

Thus, grant my prayer, O LORD.

Give me Thy vision, O GOD Almighty

for Your glory and Yours alone.

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